Why has writing become a critical part of the process?

Back on February 26th, I published my first public Thought related to the Coronavirus. "How Should I Prepare?" was an insight into my thinking about why it felt important to take some small steps to start preparing for a myriad of possible events.

A day earlier, I sent a tweet that my friends who were doctors and nurses laughed at the idea when I asked them if we should start preparing for the virus.

(Side note: this is my favorite on-going tweet thread which I continue to add to any time I find amazing things about nature and wildlife thriving during this worldwide shut down)

The reason I bring this up now is not to make any claim of Nostradamus status. Far from it. I bring it up because I'm glad I published those Thoughts and tweets even though some of them seemed ridiculous. With so much chaos, it brings me some joy that I still published a few things.

It greatly helps me to refine my thinking and decision engine to look back on posts from a few weeks or months ago, let alone the treasure chest of mostly not-so-great posts I have going back to 2012.

And as I'm laying in bed on a Sunday night, realizing that I've only published a small handful of Thoughts over the last month, having a strong desire to give my past self a swift talking to, I know that my future self will greatly appreciate a stronger dedication to writing more consistently.

And so it will be. See you tomorrow world. As I continue to document the process of what it's like to be John during the global pandemic of 2020.

As always, my hope is that my Thoughts bring you some tiny nuggest of wisdom, open you up to a unique perspective or even provide you with some momentary distraction and entertainment with my shenanigans, but really we all know I'm just writing this for Future John :)


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Why is everything a paradox these days?